I Wonder Why
Have you ever wondered why when you sleep, you dream? I understand that your mind is in action and functioning, but why does your mind only think of the things you dream of when you’re asleep versus when you’re awake? It could be because of an event that happened earlier in the day, but why only think about it when you’re asleep? I personally think it’s because your brain is avoiding previous thoughts because it is moving on to new thoughts. However, another question is,why do you dream more when you are younger? When I was younger, I found myself dreaming nearly every night, but now I don’t find myself dreaming nearly as often. Maybe kids up to the age of seven tend to think about one thing longer because they have less to do. When you think about it, normally kids up to the age of seven don’t have to deal with things such as homework, hard school work, or other activities other than school. As for teenagers and adults, they have to think about different things all through the day such as “When will I have time to do my homework?” “What will I make for dinner?” “When can I clean the house?” There are many answers for my questions, but how many of them are right?